[1080p | Japanese FLAC 2.0 16bit | English FLAC 2.0 16bit | Bluray | ESub]
Genre: Animation | Action | Adventure | Time Travel
Network: Fuji TV / Netflix
Org. run: TV Series (2016)
Running time: 24min
Language: Japanese FLAC 2.0 16bit (JPBD) & English FLAC 2.0 16bit (USBD)
Subtitle: English [Kametsu & Commie] – Signs & Songs [Kametsu & Commie]
Quality: 1080p FHD [Bluray]
Encoder: TurabEXE
Credits: Video [JPBD] – Audio [Kametsu & JPBD] – Subtitles [Kametsu & Commie]
Synopsis: Satoru Fujinuma who is a 29 year old aspiring manga artist with the ability to travel backwards in time to prevent terrible things from happening.

||Download Erased Episodes in Japanese & English Dub||
Video | JPBD |
Audio Track 1 | Japanese [JPBD dithered to 16 bit] |
Audio Track 2 | Kametsu [USBD] |
Subtitle Track 1 | Dialogue [Kametsu] |
Subtitle Track 2 | Dialogue [Commie] |
Subtitle Track 3 | Signs/Songs [Kametsu] |
Subtitle Track 4 | Signs/Songs [Commie] |
Chapters | Arid |
Used JPBD as video source [Remuxed myself], Took English USBD audio from kametsu as it was already synced. dithered 24bit Japanese to 16bit to match English dub. Kametsu and commie subtitles taken from Arid’s release.
Would definetely recommend Kametsu for english subs [Commie is more like a meme]. When encoding I accidenetly didn’t dither 24bit audio to 16 bit for ep 07 & ep 11, doesn’t really make a difference in size so didn’t change it. For 1080p x265 I converted the FLAC audio to OPUS 112kbps to reduce the size.
Q) Why didn’t I include Official Subs?
a) Because Official Subs suck, Netflix released shitty subs, Kametsu subs are superior..
Q) Batch/Zip file upload?
a) Sorry won’t be releasing zip file. Takes too much time to upload all the things twice especially when doing High Quality Encode. There is a way to download all episodes together. Since I upload all file links in pastebin, you can copy all links and paste in apps like Jdownloader [PC] & Mixplorer [Android] to download altogether so please don’t ask for zip
Q) 720p HEVC or 720p x264?
a) 720p is not worth it for most of the shows. 1080p HEVC is already too low for video size. 720p will just make it look horrible and unwatchable with minimal size difference.
1080p x265: Filepress | GDrive[Tot] | Appdrive [160mb – 200MB]
Complete Season Added
Please upload in Hindi version
Plzzzzzzzzzzzz bro I requested to you plzzzzzzzzzz upload New God’s Yang Jian In English Dubbed Language Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz